Industrial Development And Co-Design

Our technical team will guide you from conception to realization, starting with an idea and developing it in terms of feasibility, design, and technical aspects. This is how we can guarantee the highest quality product. Our aim is to find the best solution, in order to create a product that fulfils the expectations of the client and the fields of application.

The development includes consulting and support for the choice of the best-suited material for the project, which will add value to the finished product. Moreover, thanks to rapid prototyping, it is possible to test the product before making the actual mould.

Our development department comprises three workstations equipped with bi/tridimensional CAD CIMATRON and one workstation equipped with CAM OPEN MIND with 5-axis milling.
Furthermore, to preemptively tackle problems concerning the engineering of the product, we provide the following services that will simulate and optimize the development phase:

Static and dynamic structural analysis
• Flow analysis

Static and dynamic structural analysis

Thanks to a careful analysis of our technicians, we can preemptively determine the degree of resistance of the product, the disposition of internal forces, tensions, and deformations. By doing this, we are able to solve those problems that can hurt the development of the product.

Flow analysis

Thanks to softwares and technologies at our disposal, we are able to optimize the design stages by using computer simulations. By doing this, we can achieve advantages in terms of cost-effectiveness, allowing the customer to save money on post-production modifications and the number of physical products necessary for the development stage. This means both time effectiveness and reliability for the structure of the product.